Tuesday 20 November 2012

TurboFire - Fire 55 EZ

Today I did TurboFire Fire 55 EZ Class.

Don't let the title fool you, this certainly is not an "easy" workout, it just doesn't (from what I've read) contain the fire drills that are in the Fire Classes.  
The moves can seem a little confusing to begin with, but I soon got the hang of it, and obviously after doing it more times it will seem less confusing.  The good thing though is that before each section, there is a walkthrough of the steps you are going to do, so you get some idea of what is going to come.

My heart rate monitor registers 665 calories burnt while doing this workout.

It runs for 55 minutes (or 70 minutes if you go through the step walkthroughs before each section) and my heart rate averages at 169 with a peak at 197.

No equipment is needed for this workout.


This is a 55 minute cardio workout in the TurboFire program.

Most of the cardio DVDs have a warm-up, multiple cardio sequences, Fire Drills (HIIT), a Finale and a cool-down. This one is no exception. Don't let the "EZ" fool you, this workout is no joke! It is long, which means LOTS of calories burned and you can make it as high intensity as you want to. I think the EZ is referring to the difficulty level of the moves. 

After the warm-up, you go into a couple of cardio sequences that last about 15 minutes. They involve a lot of punching, some kicking, some floor movement and even a little plyo. Then comes your first firedrill. These are High Intensity Intervals that last 1 minute. You are supposed to go all out and give it everything you've got! Then, you cooldown for 1 minute. Next, you go into more cardio, new moves though...another firedrill...then the final cardio sequence. After the final cardio set, you go into the finale. For this DVD, there are 2 finales. You end the workout with a cool-down.

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