Saturday 1 December 2012

10 Minute Solution - Kickbox Bootcamp (01/12/12)

Today I did 10 Minute Solution Kickbox Bootbamp.
This has five different sections, each running for 10 minutes.  I combine all of them to give me 50 minutes of exercise time.

My heart rate monitor registers 346 calories burnt while doing this workout.

It runs for 50 minutes and my heart rate averages at 145 with a peak at 181.

Equipment needed for this workout is a set of hand weights.

Back Cover Reads:
Join instructor Keli Roberts for a 10 MINUTE SOLUTION: KICKBOX BOOTCAMP. Inspired by the fat-burning, body energizing moves of kickboxing, it features five different ten-minute workouts, each with a different goal, which can be done separately or combined as the viewer needs. The first routine is a basic aerobic exercise that introduces some of the moves used, with the other workouts concentrating on the buns and thighs, arms and shoulders, abdominal muscles, and concluding with a fat-burning routine.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Stacie, I think kickboxing workouts are really great, they use a heap of muscles and really get your heart pumping for great calorie burning. I think if weight is a big issue for you then its great your looking for something to try and overcome it. Just get in there and get moving and use some common sense when it comes to what goes in your mouth and the you'll be surprised how quickly you can start turning yourself around. Good Luck!

  3. Kickboxing is cool, Sarah! You've got to workout and learn self-defense at the same time. If you're looking to lose weight fast, this would be a great try. However, this really strain the muscles. This is also not advisable for those who are suffering from chronic diseases, so it's better to consult your doctor before you start a new sport. Carmelia @
